Junkers Ju 52/3m DC+SP, Werk # 6751
1./KGrz.b.v. 106 & Fallschirm-jägerregiment I

Color profile av Torstein Landström
- Uffz. Hans Tücher, (Pilot)
- Gfr. Kramer, (Wire operator)
- Fw.Franz Reichard, (Mechanic)
- Ofw. Haase, (Paratrooper Squad Leader)
- Uffz. Gustav Mank, (Paratrooper)
- Ufw. Hermann Bansen, (Paratrooper)
- Ogfr. Adolf Koch, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Werner Fischer, (Paratrooper)
- Fw. Walter Himmrich, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Konrad Hof, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Frans Langfeld, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Walter Schnitzer, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Hans Vorsteffel, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Bodo Westkamp, (Paratrooper)
- Fj. Arno Wolf, (Paratrooper)

Some wrecking parts above the hotel at Riksgränsen. Photo Sven Hörnell via Sten Brander

Local kid at one of the tires from the main landinggear of the Ju 52. Photo Sven Hörnell via Sten Brander

Deceased crew member from the Ju 52:nd. Photo Sven Hörnell via Sten Brander

Some of the caskets with germam casualties being transported by rail to the norwegian side. Photo Sven Hörnell via Sten Brander
